Gonzalez ready for Liverpool challenge

"It won't be easy to win a place in the line-up and, if I achieve that, it won't be easy to maintain myself there, because Liverpool is such a competitive club that, if I relax, there are two or three players who want my place," said Gonzalez.
The pacy winger has received regular calls from Rafa who is keen to know how his recovery from a knee ligament injury is progressing:
"He is always calling me. The last time we talked was 10 days ago. He asked me how I was feeling, if I was better from my injury. He is worried about my health," he said.
The 21-year-old added: "I don't have any problems to kick the ball as strong as always, although I know I have lack of movement yet. I'm 80 or 90% fit.
"They have to inform the exact date to me but I'm flying to England at the end of the month."
Gonzalez has been warned by a couple of compatriots, with experience in the English League, that it won't be easy for him to adapt to a more physical style of football.
"I've been talking a lot with Clarence Acuna and he told me what he liked while playing for Newcastle United," said Gonzalez.
"He warned it is another football, totally different to the Spanish in rhythm, but I would love it and would enjoy it really much because it matches with my football qualities."
Former tough tackling West Ham defender Javier Margas believes Gonzalez will take time to adapt to English football:
"I want Gonzalez to succeed extraordinarily in England, but it would be difficult for him," he said.
"He will have to be patient because the Premier League demands a lot physically and Mark is coming back from a serious injury."
Rafa has shown his faith in Gonzalez by agreeing a transfer whilst he was injured. He has also promised that Gonzalez is the type of player who will have us on the edge of our seats. If that's the case then I can't wait for him to make his debut.
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