Hamann has lucky escape following horror challenge

"I was going for the ball and I think he came over the ball and caught me just below the knee. The referee didn't see it and you have to get on with it," said Hamann.
"It was the worst tackle I have ever been on the receiving end of.
"I really feared that I might have broken my leg, thankfully it is only bad bruising.
"When things like that happen, what you must not do is allow yourself to be distracted, we were playing well and controlling the game and getting the result to win the group was crucial.
"You have to get over these things and move on to the next match and make sure that we continue the run we are in."
Rafa is in no doubt about the severity of the tackle and the punishment that Essien should have received:
"I could see the tackle. I've also seen Dietmar Hamann's leg. It's clear. If you can see the video you will have your opinion."He added: "I have an idea that in this kind of situation they should look at the video. Not for changing the game, but if the referee has made a mistake."
The ref couldn't have seen the tackle otherwise Essien surely would have been given his marching orders. However Uefa are likely to review the incident and punish Essien after they have seen the ref's report.
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That was a terrible tackle, it should be looked at by uefa and he should be banned!
If he escapes punishment this time then we'll all know the true power of Romans Billions....
But at least Hamann only came out of it with a few bruises... It could have been a lot worse. At the time I thought he'd caught Stevie and I couldn't bear to look at the TV until my mate told me it was Hamann. "Thank F!@k for that." I said. But after looking at the tackle a few more times I realised that it wouldn't have mattered who it had been inflicted against. It was a completely dirty and cowardly challenge from a dirty scumbag who has done it before. I usually keep the dirty scumbag comments for Manure players, but on this occasion he certainly deserves it. Coming from a man who calls himself a Christian, he certainly deserves to be thrown to the Lions.
But what will UEFA make of it? How the hell did the referee not see it? And the biggest joke of all, Maureen saying that he didn't see it either and that we were crying for nothing. What a wanker! He will look at the video, if he bothers, and will still say that there was nothing wrong with it. Arrogant Cunt! But we've had the last laugh after all. Topping the group and yet again showing up Chelski for the uber cunts they are. All I want for xmas this year is for someone to tell me that Chelski have pulled Barcelona in the next round.....
Plz! Plz! Plz! They must be shittin' themselves.
Lots of Luck all you Pool supporters, hopefully we can go into the New Year as we are now. Brimming With Optimism...
We'll never walk alone....
i can't believe for one moment that the ref didn't see that. no matter what angle his view was from - the tackle looks as bad from anywhere.
more evidence that chelski get preferential treatment from match officials...
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